
Working collaboratively to problem solve if issues arise that create tension and could lead to eviction.
Eviction Mitigation

AfterCare offers a golden thread of stability from temporary lodging into housing by ensure that those of our former participants who need it, can have additional support after they move on to permanent housing.

This includes some people who are appropriately placed in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) but whose needs exceed that model of care. The AfterCare housing team works collaboratively with landlords or housing program managers and clients to problem solve if issues arise that create tension and could lead to eviction.

The AfterCare team works with participants to maintain their housing once they leave our lodging facilities. Once a participant moves into their permanent home, AfterCare Housing Specialists work with them and their landlords (or property managers) to proactively support their housing stability and reduce their chance of returning to homelessness in the first year of being housed.

Our participants determine their path forward by identifying goals that they want to work on for their housing stability, and we’re there to support them in that. Some of the people that we serve have been unhoused for between three and five years – they may need to relearn some life skills that people who have been housed take for granted. This may be the first time they’ve had stability, safety, and security in a long time.

We are informed by all of the research that shows that recovery is fostered by housing – but while housing is necessary, it is not sufficient: it is just a step on the recovery journey. We provide the ongoing support our participants need to keep making progress even once they are housed.

LEADaligned projects seek to divert at-risk people from committing law violations due to behavioral health challenges and income instability by changing public policy and providing legal and case management services to those persons. LEADaligned projects also highlight the benefits of such programs and provide information to advance equitable strategies and smart public policy.

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